Radio Silence.

Things have been rather quiet around here lately as I have been basically working or at rehearsal. I actually feel like Alex and I are in a long distance relationship at present as most of our communication is via technology and then I get some small windows of time occasionally with him in person!

The show opens in a week and a half – which is still slightly gurgly tummy inducing. Hopefully by this time next week I will be pumped! We practise singing suspended in harnesses for the first time this Friday night.


These costumes have harness holes to attach us to the wires! No kidding.

I miss my sewing machine so much, and can’t wait to get back into my SWAP and other plans. I have managed to check out my local opshop and rehome some lovely second hand fabric, but no actual sewing has been done.

Once I am done being a Diva, the first cab off the rank will be a dress for Alex’s sister’s wedding on May 6.

img_3179I am going to use the fabric pictured here which was a gift from a friend. She bought it from an opshop then didn’t think she would use it. As you can see there is a LOT of it. I am going to make a long, boat-neck, sleeveless dress, possibly with French darts like the sketch bottom right below. I will adapt my bodice and skirt block as I did for this dress. I discussed it at length with my colleague (hence the accessory and construction drawings!), and am thinking about it as I fall asleep each night!


As far as the fires, while one is still burning we are totally out of the danger zone now. It was, however, very devastating for the city and you can see the impact here if you are interested:


29 thoughts on “Radio Silence.

  1. We almost never see fabric in second hand shops here, wonder where it all goes? Those fires must have been devastating, surely you guys could do with a break from disaster by now. Looking fab in your wires – break a leg 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! And yes, we will be grateful for an uneventful few years here.
      For some reason here some second hand shops have it, and some don’t. I wonder if it’s to do with who’s selecting things. The one closest to me is awesome. It’s huge – like a massive warehouse and they have furniture, clothes, books etc and an entire craft room. I buy fabric there ALL THE TIME! ❤ There's also a place called Creative Junk that my sister is a member of – it's sort of a co-op. You can drop anything you want off there if you're a member and buy stuff for very cheap. She has had some amazing scores there. And we have TradeMe which is NZ Ebay. Pretty lucky really!
      I wonder where it all goes at your end too?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Siobhan. It’s a pretty amazing and iconic show. I’m also playing Shirley which is fun. I will try and post some updates as we go. Heading into tech weekend this week so girding my loins!


    1. Thanks Steph. I’m so looking forward to making the dress, and given that it will be so dreamily simple, I think it’s realistic for the time from show closing (April 8) to wedding (May 6). I also think this is the sort of dress that will get a lot of wear – performing or otherwise – which, considering I’m not all about the dresses, is a good thing. Glad to have you here still!


      1. It looks like a really fun project! And of course, winderful fabric (I also love the dress you linked to…I need sonething colourful like that!). I know what you mean about not being all about the dress, but one special one now and again is fun. I am sure a dress is in my future for the summer.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. And a good dress with a clear purpose is always going to get worn. I have visions of a crisp white shirt (yet to be made) worn under this dress too…


  2. Hi Naomi. You are so into the character I did not recognize you in the flying diva photos. You’re in the center, right? I may have missed a posting so please tell me the name of the show. As for the fabric, it looks like an exotic batik print on cotton. Please tell me more about it.

    All the best for your show!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am in the centre indeed Em. Wait until you see the other costume. Last night we had programme photos and people in the cast didn’t even recognise me!
      The show is called Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and is based on a very iconic, cult classic Australian movie about 2 drag queens and a transsexual woman touring the outback.
      The fabric is a poly satin – I think! – with a cherry blossom print.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Also wearing fake boobs that come down to my waist, a mullet wig, monobrow, and nicotine stained teeth. Kind of glad people didn’t recognise me tbh!

        Liked by 1 person

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